Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Triton in the Road

Left Right or Straight
I sit in front of a green light. Left, Right, or Straight is my choice
A three way fork sets before me, a triton in the road if you will
Each way is good, Each way is beneficial
Only one way can be chosen, at least at this juncture
They are equal, none is less or more travelled
None is more enticing than the others...
Or is one?
That right hand turn looks the same as the others,
But something is different, a cool breeze comes from there
A westerly wind bringing sweet ocean air
A calming, relaxed, pleasant sensation hits me
But just for a second. Will it last if I travel that way?
I guess there is only one way to find out.
Let's turn right.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Gomer am I

I can find you in the loneliest place
But usually I'm there when I'm hiding
Tying to run, trying not to seek your face
Staying far away as I can from abiding

But I am not my own I gave myself to you
My life is yours and everything it consists of
And I don't understand it 'cause when I run you stay true
When I return your arms are open full of love

How can I deny you? Why would I ever leave you?
But somehow I leave your house of love and return
Return to the streets of prostitution, the whore I am, nothings new
Back to the filth and grime, on the path of death, I never learn

As I wait for my next customer I sit on the bed
But who walks in? My master, my bridegroom, my love
Shame wells up inside me, terror, fear, and dread
What will he say? Will he rain down holy wrath from above?

How hurt he must be, I've betrayed him over and over again
I've taken His love and ignored it, even despised
As I sit in my shame and wait for Him to begin
I don't want to hear Him speak, I'd rather my own demise.

I looked up into His eyes expecting to find contempt and malice
But what I got was different, I could barely fathom
His eyes were sad, yes, but what was more was grace
He looked down upon me with understanding, love, and compassion

He gently lifted me from the bed as I sobbed in His chest
Then He whispered, "let's go home," but even then I started to whine
Why/How could you want me? Fearful of what might happen next
But he looked into my eyes and said, "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."


Where am I?
Angst and emptiness.
How oh how did I reach such a place?
A place of such hopelessness
Where is this?
A place of frustration and discouragement
Away from everything I enjoy
Away from happiness and fulfillment
Was it I who ran here?
Was it I who was navigating?
Or was this where I was led?
But why all this postulating?
Who cares why, what do I do now?
Do I sit in the nothing?
Do I explore the nowhere?
Or do I push out towards the King?
I can only be filled by Him
So I press on and push forward
Nothing in this nowhere can help
So I seek His face, my reward
Only there will I find somewhere
This Earth is full of nowhere
There's nothings everywhere I look
But maybe, just maybe I dare
Dare to see this Earth as His Kingdom
Dare to live my life as a soldier
Dare to give up all for His sake
Dare to give my life to the hands of the molder
The sculptor of this reality
The author of the universe
The creator of life
Before I succumb to the curse
The curse mankind is under
Where death comes from sin
And life, true life is nowhere to be found
An existence where nobody can win
But whats this I see up ahead?
A road-sign labeled Mercy and Redemption
Turn here before nothingness takes over
Turn here, let this be your temptation
Be tempted to love Jesus
To live life you were created for
Live the only way you can feel whole
This is not superstition and lore
This is what's real
Here there is sustenance
Where Joy is supplied in plenty
Away from the insistent nothingness
So give in to faith, hope, and love
To God who desires you
Stop doing what you're doing
Let Him take you to somewhere new.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


A dark hallway with many doors
Many ways out, but all are locked
Hope springs up each turn of the knob
Only to find the deadbolt solid from within
No escape is found
Running faster and farther to find a door
But it brings no change
locked, locked, locked
Stuck in the hallway, a proverbial purgatory
no place to sit, no place to rest
only walls and doors, depression and despair
There is no one else here
There is no key
There is no hope.

But what is that door there?
The frame outlined from light within
Something different, something new
What to do, what to do?
Do I allow myself to hope only for it to be shattered?
Do I walk away? Its like every door
I hold out my hand,
I grasp the knob and turn...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Blessed am I for the parents I have
Honesty and integrity are their bones
Love is their blood
Support and Goodwill, their muscles
Joy, their skin
Their spirit, Jesus
Forever reliable, always caring
A better Mom and Dad one is hard pressed to find.


There is only one Lord who deserves my praise
Although others try to entice its to Him my hands raise
The enemy might try to stop me
But my Lord has set me free
The enemy might show his face to instil fear
Fear does come but I don't care
My God says, "be courageous for I am here."
Through my fear I fight, stand firm
Not by my power but by His strong arm
I rest knowing I am His come what may
The enemy can do nothing to my eternity for with Jesus I stay
I stay strong, standing courageous
Not without fear but with a love that's outrageous
A love that conquers fear for my God is I AM
The I AM who I AM greater than any man
Greater than any being or fear thrown my way
I know who I serve nothing can make me sway
With Him I'm all in, I'm not cautious
For if our God is for us, who can be against us?