Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Blessed am I for the parents I have
Honesty and integrity are their bones
Love is their blood
Support and Goodwill, their muscles
Joy, their skin
Their spirit, Jesus
Forever reliable, always caring
A better Mom and Dad one is hard pressed to find.


There is only one Lord who deserves my praise
Although others try to entice its to Him my hands raise
The enemy might try to stop me
But my Lord has set me free
The enemy might show his face to instil fear
Fear does come but I don't care
My God says, "be courageous for I am here."
Through my fear I fight, stand firm
Not by my power but by His strong arm
I rest knowing I am His come what may
The enemy can do nothing to my eternity for with Jesus I stay
I stay strong, standing courageous
Not without fear but with a love that's outrageous
A love that conquers fear for my God is I AM
The I AM who I AM greater than any man
Greater than any being or fear thrown my way
I know who I serve nothing can make me sway
With Him I'm all in, I'm not cautious
For if our God is for us, who can be against us?